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As a new parent, Sarah cared deeply about her baby's health and well-being, constantly monitoring his vital signs and asking questions to doctors. Como nueva madre, Sarah se preocupó profundamente por la salud y el bienestar de su bebé, monitoreando constantemente sus signos vitales y formulando preguntas a los médicos.
2. provide care for.
The nurse will care for the patient until they recover from the surgery. La enfermera cuidará al paciente hasta que se recupere de la cirugía.
3. prefer or wish to do something.
I care to spend my weekends hiking in the mountains, away from the hustle and bustle of city life. Me gustaría pasar mis fines de semana haciendo senderismo en las montañas, lejos del bullicio y el ruido de la vida urbana.
4. be in charge of, act on, or dispose of.
The judge cared for the defendant's case and made sure to question each witness thoroughly. El juez se preocupó por el caso del acusado y aseguró preguntar a cada testigo con detenimiento.
5. be concerned with.
As a new mother, she cared deeply about her baby's health and well-being, making sure to attend every doctor's appointment and follow all medical advice. Como nueva madre, se preocupaba profundamente por la salud y bienestar de su bebé, asegurándose de asistir a cada cita con el médico y seguir todos los consejos médicos.
attend verbo
1. be present at (meetings, church services, university), etc..
The CEO is required to attend all board meetings to make important decisions for the company. El CEO está obligado a asistir a todas las reuniones del consejo para tomar decisiones importantes para la empresa.
2. take charge of or deal with.
The new manager was tasked to attend to the company's financial crisis, and she worked tirelessly to stabilize the business. El nuevo gerente fue encargado de atender la crisis financiera de la empresa y trabajó incansablemente para estabilizar el negocio.
3. to accompany as a circumstance or follow as a result.
The poor weather conditions will attend the outdoor concert, causing it to be cancelled at the last minute. Las condiciones climáticas desfavorables asistirán al concierto al aire libre, lo que lo hará cancelar a última hora.
4. work for or be a servant to.
The royal family attends the king, serving him in every way possible. La familia real asiste al rey, sirviéndole de todas las maneras posibles.
5. give heed (to).
As I listened to the professor's lecture, I was careful to attend to every detail she mentioned, knowing it would be crucial for my exam. Mientras escuchaba la conferencia del profesor, me esforzaba en prestar atención a cada detalle que mencionó, sabiendo que sería crucial para mi examen.